We are still “Biscoffing” my friends !!! Hence why I made these fantastic Biscoff Truffles inspired by @walla_abueid The Biscoff Queen herself !!! Rainy Days with a warm cuppa and no kidding !!! these bad boys are the “once you pop,you can’t stop kind”
Head over to her page to find the original recipe,my one has been altered with a little twist using @milkmaidsweetdelights condensed milk instead and I also made a chocolate version….scroll down for recipe
Let’s Get Started
Biscoff Truffles

What you need
- 250g lotus biscuits
- 3 Tbsp Biscoff spread
- 1/2 cup condensed milk(might need less or more) @milkmaidsweetdelights
- 1/2 cup dehydrated coconut or 1/2 cup pistachio powder (optional)
- 2 tbsp cream cheese (optional)
- Extra nut powder for coating
- Vanilla extract
Step One
Crush the Lotus Biscuits either in a food processor or with a ziplock bag
Mix nut powder and crushed biscuits together
Step Two
Melt the Biscoff Spread in a microwave or double boil
Step Three
Add Condensed Milk
Step Four
Add Soft Cream Cheese
Step Five
Combine well and form into a rather smooth and manageable dough.Place this the chiller for at least 30 minutes.
Step Six
Using a teaspoon scoop and mould into small balls using your palms and roll in more nut powder.Store in refrigerator till needed

These are so delicious and perfect bite size treats

Chocolate Biscoff Truffles
What You Need
- 250g lotus biscuits
- 3 Tbsp Biscoff spread melted
- 1/2 cup dehydrated coconut or 1/2 cup Almond powder (optional)
- Unsweetened Cocoa Powder for coating
- Vanilla

Step One
Mix Crushed Biscuits and Nut Powder
Step Two
Add Melted Biscoff Spread
Step Three
Add Melted Chocolate
Step Four
Combine everything together and form into a smooth and manageable dough.Chill for at least 30 minutes
Step Five
Use a teaspoon scoop and mould into small balls using your palms.Roll in cocoa powder.Stores well in refrigerator.

Hope everyone’s enjoying the weekend off
Stay Safe Stay Home Stay Sane
Much love ? Nuzrath