As a mother of five, I’m constantly finding ways to food prep to feed the crowd…
I don’t like to freeze quantity of the same dish so I make a base n prep the ingredients.Thios way I spend less time prepping and the meals are ready to eat in less than 30 minutes.
Now that kids are back home to online schooling they’re constantly in & out of the kitchen raiding the fridge inbetween meal times and I think having some back up always saves the day!!!Dont you agree?
I made the gravy base(Indian)portioned them out.I had Pre cooked meat in the freezer,so I added the gravy base and made an easy version of Meat Makhani
Watch my stories to see details and check out my instagram post for videos etc….
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This is not an authentic recipe it’s just an easy recipe
Served with home made chappathi by my beautiful sis @safimnazi(personal account) and @solemnly_draped (official account)
She Pre cooked them and whenever I need i reheat them on a hot taawa and you have the most delicious chappathis…
Check her out on instagram : (follow link)
Lets Get Started
Gravy Base
Things You Will Need
- 500g sliced B Onions
- 1 cup oil
- 500g Tomatoes chopped
- 1 whole bulb of garlic chopped/crushed ginger
- Few Curry leaves,5cardamom,2cloves,1″cinnamon
- Spice powders : 1 tbsp Kashmir Chilli Powder,2 tbsp Roasted Jaffna Curry Powder,Tumeric,Salt,
- Coconut Aminos (Soy Sauce Substitute)
- Tamarind pulp 1 tbsp
- 1 Tbsp Lime Juice
- Fresh Coriander Leaves,Fried Onions,
Step One
Heat some oil in a pan,sauté onions till golden brown.Then add in whole spices, ginger,garlic and curry leaves. Don’t bother cutting them finely because theyr getting blended anyway at the end.

Step Two
Mix the spice powders with the tamarind pulp and add into the sautéed onions.
Step Three
Add tomatoes in…

Step Four
Add Coconut Aminos, Keep on low.Cover and cook for 10 minutes.
Check for salt and adjust accordingly
Last Step
Let this cool completely and blend well.

This is the GRAVY BASE
This paste can be stored in the refrigerator for at least a week and freezes really well
Today I made a meat curry using some pre boiled meat that I had in the freezer
Check out the steps on how I made this quick and easy meal
Step One
Thaw meat and add into a pan with oil/ghee.Let this brown slightly.You could add some minced garlic at this point, if you prefer

Step Two
Add in one cup gravy base into this browned meat
I use one cup per one kg meat, you could do more or less depending on your preference
Step Three
I added some kashmir chilli because I wanted more spice for this particular dish, this is completely upto you to decide.

Step Four
Add 1 cup coconut milk, 1 tbsp cashew powder and a splash of heavy cream
Let this cook on medium till it comes to the consistency you prefer.Whether you want more gravy or less

At this point you could add a dollop of butter or ghee(clarified butter)Just to make it more rich

Sprinkle some fresh coriander leaves and fried onions.Serve warm with either rice or rotti.
Hope everyone’s staying safe and being responsible ??????
We can do this together
Much Love ? Nuzrath