What You Will Need :
- 500g Rhubarb Cleaned and cut into small pieces
- 400g Fresh Strawberries cut into small pieces
- 1 Cup fresh Orange Juice
- pinch of salt
- 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar(optional)
Let’s Make This
Mix all the ingredients in and keep on low flame for 30 minutes or until everything has simmered down and the end result is a jammy consistency.I forgot to take a pic of every step this time…You could let this cool down completely and use right away or blend it and store in an airtight container and it stores well.
Ideal for your quick cheese board set up or even to be had with a toast!!!Either way Delicious…perfect sweet and the tanginess for those tastebuds
Check my previous post to see how I used this in between sandwiched chocolate brownie….Soo good!!
Refer to link attached
Infact I shouldn’t have even blended it,I preferred the texture before blending!!!Try this and lemme know which way you prefer your jam?
Chunky Or Smooth???

Happy World Chocolate Day 2020!!
Much Love Nuzrath ?