Savoury Pittu is one of my moms favourite things to feed my husband ? when we were just married and my mom took the job of feeding the son in law very seriously !!!!
I miss her more every single day yet I live with her memories and recreating the dishes she would lovingly prepare for us made me feel her presence Alhamdulilla…Allah grant her the highest level of Jannah and may we reunite with her in the hereafter.Aameen ?
She taught me that sending love in the form of food was undoubtedly one of the best ways of showing love and I’m a firm believer of that now than ever…
Anyway my previous post has the recipe to making the Coconut Pittu mixture in detail.Refer to link attached below :
Let’s Get Started
You Will Need
- Coconut Pittu Mixture
- Savoury or Sweet Filling of Choice : I have used Tempered Shrimps and Pol Sambol
Find the recipe to Pol Sambol in my blog site : Refer to link attached below
To make shrimps : Stirfry fresh shrimps in oil wit salt , kashmir chilli and lime juice.Then add in finely chopped onions and green chillies.Also some chilli flakes if you prefer more heat
Let’s Assemble This
So you could do this two ways :
- Regular Pittu Mould
- Small Tumbler used like a mould to create the shape

Regular Pittu Mould
Layer One : Pol Sambol
Layer Two : Shrimps

Layer Three : Pittu Mixture
Let this Steam for longer than the regular pittu.Do not press too much and block the steam from going through.
SMALL TIP : I poked in a large skewer in between few times just allow steam flow evenly
This can be very hot to handle so please make sure you do this part with no kids or pets around
Carefully Unmould this once it’s cooked through, may not look as pretty but I promise you the taste is phenomenal.Check out my Instagram Post to see the unmoulding.Refer to link attached below :

Mini Pittu
Layer One : Pol Sambol

Layer Two : Shrimps
Layer Three : Pittu Mixture

Flip this on to a lined steamer
Steam till they’ve cooked through

Check my Instagram post to see videos on how I made this.Refer to link attached below :
Would love to see your remakes on this Deliciousness.Be sure to tag me on social media or send me a screenshot if your account is private.So I can re share them on your stories
Stay Safe ? Stay Home ? Stay Sane ? Be Responsible
Much Love ? Nuzrath