Laksa is a spicy coconut milk curry based soup cooked with noodles mostly served in South East Asian countries.
This may not be the authentic version but this is how we like our Laksa and Iam making a Seafood Version today.You could totally use other meats etc
I make my own curry paste and use the ingredients that are available in our local market.Much care goes into putting this delicious bowl together
Ideally it is served with two kinds of noodles but we improvise and opt to using only one kind
I’m all about making the most of what you have,so feel free to shoot me a message if you have anything to clear out…
Let’s Get Started
What You Need
- Home Made Meat Stock
- Laksa Paste
- Laksa Toppings
- Coconut Milk
- Fresh Mixed Seafood
Laksa Stock
- Tomyum ingredients
- Lemon grass
- Kaffir lime leaves
- Galangal
- Red Chillies
- Salt pepper
- Garlic small onions
- 4 cups water
- Meat bones or Prawn Shells
Laksa paste
- 2 tbsp tamarind paste
- 2 tbsp Coconut aminos
- 2 tbsp Fish sauce
- Salt
- If needed Coconut oil
- 10 Red onions
- 50g Cashew
- 100g Dried Shrimps
- Coriander Roots
- 20 Soaked Red Chillies
- 10 Whole Garlic Cloves
- 4” piece Fresh Ginger
- 2 Tbsp Tom Yum Paste
- 1 tsp Cayenne Pepper/Kashmir Chilli
- 1 tsp Curry Powder
Just blend everything together into a paste
Our Favorite Laksa Toppings

- Cooked Glass Noodles
- Soft Boiled Eggs
- Lightly Fried Tofu
- Fried Onions
- Sliced Fresh Red Chillies
- Lime Wedges
- Fresh Coriander leaves
- Soaked and Sliced Shitake Mushrooms
- Bok Choy sautéed in Garlic Oil
Do not panic if you don’t have the exact topping on my list because this is how my family prefers it.You can adjust it according to your preference for sure…
As long as you have gotten the soup base right,the Toppings are your choice.You can still enjoy this warm bowl with minimal topping or even over just plain Steamed Rice or Noodles,I assure you it is that delicious…
I used Glass Noodles : To Cook This Noodles (refer to image)
Now that we have all the stuff ready, let’s start making the actual Laksa
In a heavy bottom saucepan, heat some oil and sauté finely chopped garlic and ginger till its nice and golden. I added one clove of Black Garlic,takes it to another level.
Check out Ceylon Black Garlic Company for purchasing your new batch of Black Garlic : Refer to Link below
Add the Laksa Paste,and cook for five minutes.

Add in The Stock, Coconut Milk and let it come to a boil
Then add in Seafood, cover and cook till it’s done.By now my kitchen smells absolutely amazing

Now The Laksa is Ready to be assembled with the toppings
You will notice I didn’t add whole lemongrass or kaffir lime leaves, galangal into making the Laksa itself but I added them into making the Stock.
Like I said earlier this may not be the most authentic Laksa,this is exactly how we like to have our Laksa at home.My kids don’t like to bite into whole spices or herbs in their food.I hide them by infusing them while making the Stock because there’s no Laksa without these herbs and spices.At the same time, the kids don’t really have to keep picking them out.So it’s a MOM WIN !!!
Would love to see your version of This Deliciousness
Be sure to tag me on social media or send me a screen shot of your post if your account is private so I can reshare it on my stories.Do check out my Instagram post (Link is attached below)

Hope everyone is having a good week
Stay Safe Stay Home Stay Sane
Much Love ? Nuzrath