String Hoppers or Idiyaapam is a common SriLankan Breakfast staple just like Pittu and Hoppers
It is made using either steamed Wheat Flour or Roasted Rice Flour dough that is pressed through the mould to form thin thread like noodles that is woven in circles ideally over mini wicker mats and then steamed to perfection. We use oiled plastic mats too…
These light and lacy String Hoppers are eaten almost everyday in most local house holds because it makes a fulfilling meal when accompanied with any curry and Pol Sambol
Anyway,the image above shows Roasted Rice Flour String Hoppers in two kinds Red Rice Flour and White Rice Flour.You could make the flour at home or even buy it off the shelf.The Red and White Roasted Flour Packets are available in every grocery store , common brands are Ruhunu,MDK,OGM,Challenge and Top Tasty…Use what works for you because what may exactly work for me may not work for you.

The most preferred one is the steamed Wheat Flour String Hoppers which takes a-bit more time if you steam the wheat flour at home.You could even buy ready made steamed wheat flour packets from your local grocery stores.Its not freely available though only certain stores have it.
Anyway let’s get started
You Will Need
- One Packet of Roasted Rice Flour
- (preferred brand)please read the packet for more details and instructions
- Boiling water as required
- Salt to taste
- Wooden Spoon
- String Hopper Mould
- String Hopper Mats
- Steamer : You could even use your Rice Cooker for this
The string hopper mould and mats can be purchased from your local stores : Again my father got this for me but I’ve also seen them at the local Arpico in Hyde Corner.Hope that helps
Make sure the flour is sifted well before using and everything is ready because this has to happen quickly

The boiling water does not have to be piping hot and steaming,let the steam go down a bit.Still hot though…

Place the sifted rice flour in a bowl and keep the boiling water also right there
Gradually pour the hot water into the flour and keep stirring quickly using a wooden spoon and make into a firm but not “too hard” dough.Use your fingers and gather the dough to make a smooth one
Do not let this dough dry out
So start the making as soon as the dough is ready
Remember to oil the string hopper mats to avoid them from sticking to the mat itself.Comes off easily if you oil them at least for the first batch
Check out my Instagram post to see the consistency of the dough and demo videos on how I squeeze the dough out of the string hopper mould
Make into oval shape balls and place into the string hopper mould.Then press through firmly while making even double circle layers over the oiled string hopper mats.Use your fingers or cut through a butter knife to stop the strings once you’re done with each one
Make sure the steamer is getting ready and boiling while you’re done with the rest of the string hopper dough.Repeat in batches depending on how many string hopper mats you may have
Place these mats carefully in the steamer and let it steam for at least 5 minutes or untill each batch is ready
If you’re using wheat flour you can steam it at home by placing a few cups wrapped inside a muslin cloth and then steaming it for half an hour.Then while it’s still warm break the flour down and pass through a sifter to get perfectly steamed wheat flour with best results

Which kind of string hopper do you prefer ??? And what’s your favorite accompaniment ???

We love String Hoppers with Fish Curry ,Kiri Hodhi and Pol Sambol !! Fantastic Combination ??????
This is the recipe for String Hoppers with Roasted Rice Flour or Steamed Wheat Flour.String Hoppers can also be made using Steamed Atta Flour or Kurakkan Flour and there are many other variations tried and tested
We also make a Stuffed String Hopper Dish called Lavariya.It can be stuffed with pretty much any filling but we use Pol Sambol for the savory and Pani Pol for the Sweet.Check my next post out to see the detailed recipe on this traditional Sweet Treat.Find the link attached below
The recipe for Pol Sambol is also available in my blog site : Refer to link attached below :
Potato Yellow Curry Recipe and Four Varieties of Fish Curries also can be found under the same post in my blog site : Check under the title “Watti Shoru” Refer to link :
Coconut Mallum is a yellowish tempered Coconut Side Dish similar to Pol Sambol which is also ideal for Steamed Wheat Flour String Hoppers.Recipe can be found in the same link for “Watti Shoru” or “Seafood Rice”
Would love to see your remakes on this local favorite.Be sure to tag me or send me a screenshot if your account is private so I can re share them on my stories
Stay Safe ?Stay Home ?Stay Sane ?Be Responsible
Much Love ?Nuzrath