Thai Pongal : A Celebration of Harvest by the Hindu Community mostly in South India, quite common in Srilanka as well
May this day bring you joy and prosperity my Hindu Friends who are celebrating
My helper was unable to celebrate this festival with her family so we did a little something for her and made her feel like home
Some of us couldn’t be with our families and loved ones during days like this because of COVID but atleast knowing that everyone is safe being where they’re gives you a sense of restfulness and relief
The star dish of this platter is the rava upma I made using vegetarian mince for some extra texture.
Upma is a traditional South Indian Breakfast made using roasted semolina.It is cooked with many variations but here’s my version using vegan mince
It is so warm and nutritious.This meal literally comes together under 20 minutes.The kids love this because the spiced semolina makes it enjoyable and easy to eat off a spoon while they’re studying or while schooling online.Is it only my kids or have the kids been asking for too many food breaks these days
Let’s Get Started
You Will Need
- One Cup Roasted Semolina
- 1/2 Cup Ghee or Butter
- 2 Cups Stock/Coconut Milk or Plain Water
- 10 Small Red Onions sliced
- Curry Leaves
- 1 tsp mustard seeds
- 1 tbsp finely chopped garlic
- 1 tbsp finely grated ginger
- 5 dried red chillies cut into 1” pieces
- One green chilli sliced
- One cup Vegan Mince (Optional)
- 1 tsp chilli flakes
- pinch of tumeric
- Fried Oorid Dhal
- Fried Cashews
- Fried Onions
Step One : Heat ghee in a pan and sauté garlic and ginger till its beautiful and golden.Then add in sliced onions, curry leaves, mustard seeds and chillies
Step Two : This step in entirely optional. Add the vegan mince or maldive fish flakes for more flavour
Add in spices and salt and mix well
Step Three : You could either dry roast the semolina or use ghee and roast for more flavour and richness.Do what suits your preference.
Add the roasted semolina in…

Step Four : Mix everything together until you’re sure every grain of semolina is well coated with the spices and seasonings
Step Five : Gradually add in liquid and keep stirring around to avoid clumping.You might need more than you think so keep pouring the liquid little by little and you will notice the mixture coming together

Step Six : Check for salt and adjust accordingly.
Finally drizzle in some lime juice and mix in all the fried items.Leave some to go on top
The Upma is ready to be plated
This Thali holds a delicious platter of vegetarian condiments that we made for Rani on her day of celebration…

Would love to see your remakes on this deliciousness.Be sure to tag me or send me a screenshot if your account is private so I can re share them on my stories
Much Love ? Nuzrath